Tales from the Rollbooth: Eberron 5e Campaign Session 3: The Midnight Opera
Chapter 3: The Midnight Opera In which my player indicated to me that he wanted to take everyone to the theater so I narrated an original Opera in 4 parts. The journey to Sharn is over, but the night only begins as our party prepares for The Midnight Opera at the Syrazune Theater in Upper Menthis. Invited by Vedim, our resident smiling and puckish elf lush, the party prepares themselves in their best. Abel wears his cast-off armor and medals, Orival wears glamourweave and a half cape which obscures the dragonmark on his shoulder, and Agata does the best she can with the colorful silks she managed to save from her old life. They fit in, somewhat. Vedim is waiting in a box that he paid for personally. The party is rudely pressed aside to make way for Lord Mayor Cathan ir'Demell, a sweaty, rotund, bald-headed human man with his wife on his arm. They make their way to their private box flanked by a personal escort of eight private mercenaries. The party follows to the front-of-house, a...