Marsie's Musings: Making Mass Combat Work for the Cypher System
Marsie's Musings: Mass Combat in Cypher System Or The Complication System If you learn one thing about me in all of my GMing life, let it be this: I have a propensity for details and sweeping, elaborate combat, and hate all of the work involved when it gets to the large scale, including as a player. These rules below are rules that I have come up with for the Cypher System to meet all of my needs regarding these things. At its heart, any time we sit down to play an RPG, what we are playing is a series of rules, prohibitions, and if-then statements represented by our words, or by a vector portrayed in front of us for audio and/or visual aid. The Complication System takes these rules and makes them actionable hurdles. In a mass combat, or a mess of people, there are many muddled complications which can arise just from existing in one area. In this way, we attach complications to the PCs and groups themselves. Instead of only giving an effect or condition to track for...